Weekly Schedule
Sunday School & Adult Classes - 9 am
Worship Service - 10 am
Bethesda YTH (Youth Group) - 6:16 pm
AWANA - 6:30 pm
SPLASH - 6:30 pm
Prayer Meeting - 7 pm
Celebrate Recovery - 6:30 pm
What can you expect?
Worship Service
Our worship service lasts about 70 minutes and is primarily music and preaching. Bethesda is made up of people from all walks of life so you’ll see people in jeans or wearing dress clothes.
Our worship music is a mix of styles but is primarily more contemporary. We usually have a full worship band and have all the song lyrics on the screens.
What about my kids?
Kids are encouraged to be a part of our service. They bring life and energy to the church that we want and need.
Twice a month we dedicate a small portion of our service to the kids. We ask them to come up front and someone shares a short lesson with them.
We also have a quality nursery for kids from birth to 2 years old. We have dedicated staff that not only watch and play with your kids but pray for them as well. We also have Sunday School classes for all ages form 9-9:45! Ask a greeter at the door to help you find the right place for your kids.